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First Hollywood placement


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I just received an email from the producer from the company in Hollywood where I got my music under license. GREAT NEWS ! I got my first placement in a successful US serial.


My song " In touch with god " view http://www.music-pictures.com/violett/index.htm will be broadcasted today on ABC.com in the serial Ugly Betty.


Way cool. :lol:



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Here's the link http://abc.go.com/primetime/uglybetty/index?pn=index - its the serial no 310 .. but I don't know which name. B) IT will be broadcasted on ABC today.



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Excellent!! All though I don't watch the show, it is a very successful sitcom here in the states


Hey Jim, thanks :lol:


I don't watch it either - just zapped through once or twice . It's on TV in Europe to so I guess that it is pretty successful in the US.



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Great job HP !!!!


Very happy for you.


I dont know if you know about the website Broadjam.com You can actually post your songs there for such opportunities . It costs money to register your song for an opportunity Depending on your membership it cost 5 to 10 $. I actually have registered one of my song for a soap opera that is looking for a love song, ballad. My song called I love you,

I have bought a new recording software Sonar 8 studio. I will get it next week and I plan to re record all my songs. I bought also reference headphones so now I can hear really how goog my song recordings sound. Wow what a shock lol.They really need to be re recorded.


Tell me HP what is your setup for recording


I Plan on buying a midi controller Never used such tools Is there any advice you can give me


Greta job again HP



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Hi Denis,


thanks :lol: this is in fact great - even that I never watched that serial before. I don't know that site you are talking about but it looks promissing and seems to be a good opportunity to get your music to the producers.


I use Nuendo 4 but I worked with Cubase before. Nuendo is just better for movie synchronisation stuff. And I use waves plugins and a lot off additional plugins.


I don't work with midi controllers so I can not give you any advice. Still doing stuff with the keyboard and the mouse. B)



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For the type of work you're doing you probably need that sort of high end product Nuendo costs about 1700$ US which is alot of money but for you as a professionnal artist it's a good investment.

If you dont use a MIDI controller does that mean that you use Virtual instruments plug ins of the software. As I dont know much about this I'm just not sure what to do to build a complete home recording sudio :) but i'll figure it out with a scientific approach called Trial and error lol

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Well of course I have a piano which is connected with Midi to the PC and then I play those software plugins. You don't need a full piano, a small keyboard with a Midiwire is OK too.


Well Nuendo is really only for pro's - but I would purchase a software which a least supports VST instruments.



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I just received an email from the producer from the company in Hollywood where I got my music under license. GREAT NEWS ! I got my first placement in a successful US serial.


This is Great News! Congrats HP... I wanna do that when I grow up... :P


Seriously, I have always dreamed of composing. Yet another reason I'm here every day. Sometimes longer than I should be. Didn't get much sleep this week... hehe.. Great for you Hanspeter. I keep it going!


Be Great!



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Keep it going - I won't tell you how much sleep I missed for my goals :lol:




I'll bet... :o I'm not scared.. ;) just had a great jam with a new friend... It's been over 15 years since I've played with another guitarist. for now I must sleep I'll tell ya all about it when I wake...


Nighty night... ( I know it's like afternoon there, but we gotta sleep sometime. been up since yester day 0800 PDT. Will tell ya this much the Jam was from 1930 to 0445. very nice...






PS, I think I'll share that in the student forum. with just a short time of working your excercises, I've pulled into a entirely new relmn of playing style. I mean it was excellent... I have much work to do to attain my goal but the jam was excellent... (not getting to big of my britches) :rolleyes:


Peace again...

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