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HPCrazy Guitar Academy & Music

10. january 09


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Here are many announcements about music-pictures.com :


Swiss Television


I have finished the job for Swiss Television now. They wanted to have some specific sounds and moods. I think I could get them there.


You can listen to my layouts at http://www.music-pictures.com/sf



Scoring a movie


The scoring work for that Swiss movie have started with one month delay. This really gets me into massiv problems since my schedules currently are very tight - I hope I will get through everything in time now. The movie will contain 8 different parts. Therefore I had to compose a song for each part. Because my time is pretty limited I have taken some edits from official music-pictures.com songs.


You can listen to the layouts at http://www.music-pictures.com/score


Liveseries in Zürich


On January 25th I am starting a live series with 7 liveperformances in the St. Jakob church in Zürich. The church is pretty big - and my goal is to fill the place up till the last concert. I will make a color series where each concert stands for a color where I composed the music for and a fracal animation will be set on a large screen. I got some great and brandnew stuff on the guitar with my AXE FX ULTRA. This will be great !


Here you see the schedule for the concerts :




red 25.1. / orange 8.2. / yellow 22.2. / green 8.3. / lightblue 22.3. / indigo 19.4. / violett 26.4.


7 PM - St. Jakobs church Zürich


free entrance


If you want to join my facebook group here's the link : http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=45938707119


To see the animations and to listen to the music check : http://www.music-pictures.com/colormusic.htm





I got my first payment from Hollywood for my music in Ugly Betty " Bad Amanda ". Thats pretty cool. I heard from the agency who got me that placement that I have a good change to get into resynchronization - which means that that series will be translated to 100 languages and will be spread all over the world - AND I will get money for each time that series will be broadcasted. :-)


I guess I think about buying me a Ferrari now - An orange one * LOL *





I have that much work that I really have to set priorities. I am currenty thinking about to stop teaching my regular students or at least to stop adding new ones. I only teach 5 students a week and some of them are with me since years and I have a resposibility - but I am stuck in work. You can't imagine how much. :-/ - but I would love to see the faces of my students when I come to the lessons with my BRAND NEW FERRARI * ROFL *

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Here are many announcements about music-pictures.com :





I got my first payment from Hollywood for my music in Ugly Betty " Bad Amanda ".........I guess I think about buying me a Ferrari now - An orange one * LOL *


........... but I would love to see the faces of my students when I come to the lessons with my BRAND NEW FERRARI * ROFL *


Easy there buddy, don't want you getting all "Hollywood" on us :D:P


Congratulations :D

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I know I know :D - it won't be that much money. Just told my dad today that if I would earn really a lot of money the only thing I would buy would be a Ferrari :lol:B)

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This is all great !!!!


And it's no luck. You've work very hard to get there.


What can be better in life than earning a living with your passion. Nothing !!!


If you can buy 2 Ferraris I won't be jealous lol


Anyways a Ferrari is useless in snow storms like we get in Canada lol


You know, I've copyrighted 2 songs , one being Music is my life and I found a website Songcast that distributes your songs to all the major WEB music stores I guess like I tunes. Napster etc.... My song will be posted on these sites in a few weeks. I read that sales of songs by unit instead of CD is increasing by more than 40% on the WEB. Do you think it's a good idea. The other option is to find a publisher to sell my song. So I took a chance with Songcast. Cant hurt :)


Again great news, great achievement for you !!!



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Anyways a Ferrari is useless in snow storms like we get in Canada lol


I guess so :lol::lol:


You know, I've copyrighted 2 songs , one being Music is my life and I found a website Songcast that distributes your songs to all the major WEB music stores I guess like I tunes. Napster etc.... My song will be posted on these sites in a few weeks. I read that sales of songs by unit instead of CD is increasing by more than 40% on the WEB. Do you think it's a good idea. The other option is to find a publisher to sell my song. So I took a chance with Songcast.


Well the best thing is to have your music in the download stores if it works and you sell your music. The problem is that many other are doing the same thing too which makes it hard to find your specific song.


A publisher would solve this problem a bit - but it is very hard to find a publisher. But if you have a good one thats great. I was lucky to get a contract with a very situated publisher of TV & film music in Hollywood - they had the contacts to get my music to ABC.



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I guess so :lol::lol:




Well the best thing is to have your music in the download stores if it works and you sell your music. The problem is that many other are doing the same thing too which makes it hard to find your specific song.


A publisher would solve this problem a bit - but it is very hard to find a publisher. But if you have a good one thats great. I was lucky to get a contract with a very situated publisher of TV & film music in Hollywood - they had the contacts to get my music to ABC.




Ok my song is going to be in all major download store in a few weeks. You're probably right about the difficulty for a noname artist like myself to get people to click on the song. If something good happens with my song it will most probably be in not less than 6 months.


thanks for your opinion



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I got my first payment from Hollywood for my music in Ugly Betty " Bad Amanda ". Thats pretty cool. I heard from the agency who got me that placement that I have a good change to get into resynchronization - which means that that series will be translated to 100 languages and will be spread all over the world - AND I will get money for each time that series will be broadcasted. :-)


I guess I think about buying me a Ferrari now - An orange one * LOL *


This is my dream someday, to write for Motion Pictures, and maybe even Plays. This is Awesome! A Ferrari! Oh Nice... I think I would go with Red... Snazzy :D ... Actually I was out looking at a viper. I showed my wife and all she had to say was "So, what are you going to get for the other foot" LoL... I'm kind of a big guy. :) Viper is out... B)


Outstanding work HP, You deserve what ever you decide... Even Orange... :)

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Hey guys,


I know this is a very sexy message in a online guitarschool - but I just got my piano song " Liebe " signed by a UK library. They will use that song for TV placement on BBC or others. :lol:


You can listen to it here - its track no. 16 http://www.pianist.ch/pianoradio/index.htm


For those who did not know where I learnt the touch techniqe. I am a professional pianist too and I have to stop playing for about 7 years because of a injury. There I switched to guitar - now I am playing piano beside. B)

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Congratulations Hans :D Not sure what you mean by "this is a very sexy message" .....must be a translation thing :) but that's ok ....there is nothing "Sexy" about this message at all. Maybe it has something to do with the name of the song?? What does "Liebe" mean ?

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Ah shit that was a typo - I meant " NOT a very sexy message " - meaning thats not really something great for a guitarist since this is a piano song - liebe = love of course

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Just happen to see this - it will appear in UK and Skandinavia - that's pretty cool. This is now real europeean endorsement. :lol:



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Hey guys,


I know this is a very sexy message in a online guitarschool - but I just got my piano song " Liebe " signed by a UK library. They will use that song for TV placement on BBC or others. :lol:


You can listen to it here - its track no. 16 http://www.pianist.ch/pianoradio/index.htm


For those who did not know where I learnt the touch techniqe. I am a professional pianist too and I have to stop playing for about 7 years because of a injury. There I switched to guitar - now I am playing piano beside. B)




I certainly can recognize your style of playing touch technique in your piano playing style :)


Music does'nt have to be sexy.:) If it makes you feel good and if it touches someone's soul, that's great. It's a good thing that there are different genres of music. Imagine going to a caffe to meet with a nice woman that you'd want to date and there would be heavy metal music playing loud in ther caffe !!!! You'd have a hard time talking about anything :)


I just finished remaking one of my songs with my new DAW. I did this to practice working with softsynths and so I ended up making somewhat of a disco version of my song I love you which is in the original version a love song that feels more like a broadway type of song. It's at the same tempo (100bpm) but it's surprizing to hear such a difference in style although obviously the melody has'nt changed.

There's something I learned from this exercice. It is that I should try different beats when writing a song. The end result can be surprizing.


When composing do you actually try different different beats to see how your song would sound and feel ?



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Hi HP...


Wow, awesome! This is why I work so hard, and thanks for your help. you play most excellent!

Very nice picture as well.


I know when I listen to your music it helps me to relax and be inspired. Very cool...






Hey guys,


I know this is a very sexy message in a online guitarschool - but I just got my piano song " Liebe " signed by a UK library. They will use that song for TV placement on BBC or others. :lol:


You can listen to it here - its track no. 16 http://www.pianist.ch/pianoradio/index.htm


For those who did not know where I learnt the touch techniqe. I am a professional pianist too and I have to stop playing for about 7 years because of a injury. There I switched to guitar - now I am playing piano beside. B)

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I certainly can recognize your style of playing touch technique in your piano playing style


That's why the touch technique was acutally not very difficult for me - from that point of view. From the technical side the touch technique is really tough. :lol: But I am slowly getting on a new level there. You can expect a new CD in the near future. As soon as I have more time.


When composing do you actually try different different beats to see how your song would sound and feel ?


It depends - but I just had the situation yesturday where the producer of the movie did not like the beat of one song I composed. I told him that the beat was just what made the song sound like that. Sometimes a slight changement in some sound settings gets you a complete new mood.


An I mostly come from the beat - side . I love modern beats - but really this depends. Some years ago I wrote a lot of jazzy songs when I was working a lot as a jazzpianist. Now I am more on the electronic, new age side.


I know when I listen to your music it helps me to relax and be inspired.


Thats whats my music meant to be :lol:



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