Hanspeter Kruesi is a trained professional pianist, guitarist and composer from Switzerland and has been working as a freelance artist since 1989. Since 2003 his compositions have been used in numerous national and international TV and film productions (SRF, ABC, BBC and many more).
Instrumental Piano & Guitar Music
In the years 1989 to 1996 Hanspeter Kruesi was mainly professionally active as a jazz pianist & bar pianist. In Zurich he played mainly in the then well-known Zurich clubs, the Splendid Bar, the Widder Bar and the Casa Bar either as solo pianist or in various jazz formations or in other Swiss jazz clubs. As an artist accompanist for professional singers, he was very busy in the jazz scene at that time. He also played professionally as a pianist in various formations such as Big Bands, Jazz Quartets, Jazz Quintets or Top 40 or Blues & Boogie Woogie Bands. He played at various jazz festivals like the jazz festival Lichtensteig or the jazz festival Jona or other jazz festivals as a solo pianist as well as other formations. in 1996 he started studying at the conservatory, but unfortunately had to give up playing the piano after a few months due to a chronic tendinitis. since he played the guitar as a secondary instrument at that time, he spontaneously switched to the guitar from main instrument and interrupted his career as a pianist for several years. in 1999 he finished his music studies with a diploma as guitarist.
Sternzeichen Piano 2019
Besides being a musician I am a professional astrologer. I made my education at Zurich's astrological School SFER and I have a pretty intuitive approach to music and astrology. Since colors are also related to the different signs of the zodiac I recorded a CD on piano which refers to the cause of each zodiac. Of course this is just a general view of the different signs of the zodiac but somehow I put into the general feel of the color of each zodiac in the city and I improvised to this impression. Check if the Zodiac of yours matches your feelings about yourself.
Piano Color Meditation 2019
Meditation music and meditating and playing piano is a big part of my artist work. In this CD I played the 7 spectral colors on a 432 Hertz tuned piano and I tried to express the different variations of the colors in a meditative way. expressing colors is one of my main features in my work as a musician. I have created the brand Farbmusik which represents my way of playing colors. Each song on this CD is over 6 or 7 minutes long. If you want to compose and improvise some of that duration you really need to develop the themes and the colors and a very sophisticated way so that was quite a challenge for me to record this CD. Listen and decide for yourself if you like the color you're listening to.
Mystic Love 2017
Mystic love is one of my very favorite works and it represents the time of my life which was quite mystic and quite spiritual when it came to personal relations and love. The music is held in colors of violet and dark blue and gives kind of a spiritual vibe to this instrumental music. The photo of the CD cover represents a very special moment of my journey which took me a few years and it's for me that moment where I could step into new realms of life. From the musical side I tried to make combinations of my Farbmusik. modern sounds and electronic beats, in combination with great mystic guitar and piano sounds. you find my experience as a composer for television and movie in a cinematic approach in my sounds and so you could call this work a cinematic mystic Farbmusik CD.
Farbträumerei 2016
This is the first pure piano CD I recorded. The title Farbträumerei relates to Classical composer Schumann with his works Tröumereien. It is an improvised CD with music composed of colors and interpreted and improvised on piano. The piano music comes in the range of Schumann, Keith Jarrett, Michel Petrucciani, Dave Grusin, Brad Mehldau and Chopin. It is a kind of a romantic modern classical approach with jazz elements but with a cinematic interpretation of simple themes and colorful selection of notes. This CD represents the piano concerts I used to play in the year 2016.
Soloistic 2010
Soloistic is from a time when I did a lot of guitar recordings and was focusing on instrumental guitar tunes where the guitar took the lead and the improvisation in a musical piece. You will find works which are in the blues genre some works are related to colors and some recordings or more instrumental rock guitar tunes. I want to highlight those recordings which are recorded only with one guitar as played on my many solo guitar concerts. All in all it is a summary of my guitar compositions and my guitar concert which I did back in the year 2010.
Therapy & Healing Music in 432 Hz
Here you can download my healing and therapy Farbmusik. This music is all recorded and produced in 432 Hz.
What does the 432 Hz tuning mean ?
The standard tuning of instruments is the concert pitch A. This tone is vibrating at 440 Hz. This is an international standard and the further tuning of each instrument is adjusted based on the concert pitch. With the 432 Hz tuning the concert pitch A is tuned to 432 Hz instead of 440. The other tones of an instrument are then adjusted accordingly.
What is the difference between 432 Hz and 440 Hz tuning ?
Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, as well as other anthroposophists such as Maria Renold or Kathleen Schlesinger have done research on the 432Hz tuning and came to the conclusion that this tuning has an effect on the physical as well as mental well-being of people. Steiner established this connection before Winfried Otto Schuman, the founder of the Schumann Resonance, showed with the term earth resonance frequency that sounds can have a direct influence on the vibration of the earth. According to the findings of Steiner and other researchers, the 432 -tuning should have the following effects:
- Better physical relaxation
- Better mental relaxation
- Lightening of the mood
- More direct emotional influence
- Better contact with your own feelings
- Easier development and healing processes
- Feel music more than just listening to it
These properties only correspond to empirical values and are not directly scientifically verifiable. Strictly speaking, one must therefore speak of an empirical science. However, many sources speak of the healing and relaxing effect of 432Hz music. Already Pythagoras defined the term sphere sounds and sphere harmony in connection with the vibrations of the planets. Nikolas Tesla also dealt with oscillation frequencies and fundamental vibrations in the universe. But similar to astrology, for example, these correlations can probably be established, but only in the sense of an experiential science. It is not possible to prove them physically, but through observation, experience and application, results are obtained which, through the sum of the experiences made, provide evidence of a connection.